Thursday, June 3, 2010

Who Would Treat An Annular Tear


include exactly one month I will sleep on a bed again. It 's done. Will I get a read from a square and a half! I found a annucia in the newspaper. This morning I incontrarto the owner .. in theory to give a deposit, since it will give me next month. But when he saw me he did not want, saying that there was no need, just wanted to see me. To make sure that his bed for sure and I would have got to see who would leave him. He moved, not longer needed, but was sorry to leave him .. I described it in detail .. I know it by heart .. or perhaps, as the English say, by heart .. The meaning is different, we learn with our hearts. Probably the haaccompagnata that bed so many years, so many dreams, in nightmares, in love or tears ..
Maybe I can understand why he wanted so much ..


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