Sunday, August 29, 2010

Red Rock Casino Bowling Cost


There is something wrong in the statistics. Earlier this summer, endless, I read in the newspapers several times that 58% of Italians would not go on holiday this year for lack of money.
Then I looked out my window in the middle of this endless summer, and I counted the windows lit in the evening: there were two in my yard, in the next one, all around the darkness. I conclude that, to compensate for this anomaly, all of Milan while he was on vacation the entire population of Naples has remained at home.
I held firm, and I tried to work to make changes - hopefully for the better - in my living situation and existential.
Change is not easy, especially trying to change the view that you are very used to, but this is what I'm exercising to do. Obviously, the restructuring of the ones I learned to call "dysfunctional thoughts" is not a walk, and the result for now is very narrow. More fruitful than my kitchen, and after a lot of brooding, doodles, Conticini, holes in the wall and spins, eventually took on a different set and hopefully more efficient.
the dustbin, say, that for decades has been in plain sight with my great annoyance, he found a place under the sink, as in all civil and decent homes. There are new shelves, and the board has changed its position. Which means that now knocks down palate of potato peelings - continue to take my automatic to the point where it's always been the trash can - and have dinner like a soul in pain each time on a different side of the table, have not yet found "my" new location.
But I was assured that the exercise will create new habits more functional, and end up feeling comfortable in these, sooner or later. Maybe even get well, who knows.
But back to statistics, luckily the other window of my backyard burning has led me on peaches filled: one of his classic mid-August, which has comforted me so much about continuity.

  • 4 white peaches, thick and firm
  • 3 handmade soft amaretti
  • about 100 grams of dark chocolate bitter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • a pair of glasses red wine
  • 1 piece of cinnamon
Halve peaches, remove pit and dig a bit 'of pulp.
Place in a bowl with the crumbled macaroons, egg yolk, chocolate previously melted. No sugar, just in case there was doubt.
Fill the peach halves with the mixture, put them in a pan on the bottom and add the wine, a tablespoon of sugar and a bit of cinnamon.
Bake at 160 degrees and cook just enough because the peaches are soft but firm. Over the past 5 minutes to raise the temperature and brown the stuffing. Serve at room temperature with their delicious Puccetti.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Why Do Guys Wear Cups


I'll be back after so many months, and I go back because I made a commitment to do so. It is part of the treatment, then there is no question: you do. It will not serve, never mind.
I'll be back with a plate of home that I love, and that is perfectly rispondente al clima della mia metropoli silenziosa, a metà di questo interminabile agosto: temporali gelidi e squarci torridi nelle pause.
È una ricetta della mamma di Rubina. Non so chi sia Rubina, non conosco la sua mamma, la ricetta l'ho adottata anni fa in un sito che allora mi piaceva, ed è rimasta per sempre nel mio menu domestico. Ho lasciato il titolo originale: chissà perché "spagnolo"?
L'accostamento di ingredienti è inconsueto, e a leggerlo sembra un'accozzaglia mal combinata. Si sa che ognuno ha le sue fisse, ma io, per dire, non avrei mai messo una salsa di pomodoro crudo sopra un riso condito con il burro. E invece no! Alla prima forchettata, mi sono tornate in mente le deliziose pasta of my childhood (Lombardy), on which a piece of butter melted over the raw tomato sauce, beautifully rounded taste. Another approach that, to read, just did not convince me is the lemon over the tomato and instead we're fine.
it to succeed, well, a bit 'like other seemingly simple things, we must be careful about many small details, which would neutralize ignored the result. Use a rice starch is not the same, not to dry the tomatoes is unforgivable, not to heat the dishes is fatal. I have told you.

rice hot and cold English

Ingredients for 4 servings:
  • 300 g. of long-grain rice (Ganges, Thai, Basmati)
  • butter
  • 8 / 10 firm and ripe red tomatoes
  • olive
  • lemon juice salt
  • black pepper
Peel tomatoes, remove seeds, salt them and put them to drain. When they lost their water plants, put them in a blender to obtain a thick sauce, creamy and absolutely no water. prepare with a couple of hours in advance and store in refrigerator.
Prepare an emulsion of olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper.
Boil rice in salted water, drain well and season with butter.
Meanwhile heat the dishes.
Dial quickly each dish with a layer of hot flattening rice well, and a thick layer of tomato sauce cold.
Season with citronnette and serve immediately.
is important to eat this rice without mixing, taking each bite with a fork from bottom to top, because its special lies in the contrast of flavors and temperatures.
I apologize for the photo, which is the least appetizing. I do not know to use the new machine, I will learn.