Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cat In The Hat Party Plates

Dandelion crust of bread

Larissa, in expat land in Albion and strong withdrawal symptoms from spring vegetables that are not broccoli and peas, sends me moving recipes with nettles, which goes to find the fields value generation and luckily the loaf as a cave woman. I have come to mind while reading the other herbs in this season are in the fields, and have been trained to recognize a child, when I lived in the country. The most common and easy to find and recognize is the dandelion; for which, Larissa looks good figure here, and unleashed nose to the ground. Then sappimi say.

This is a country pie, strictly spring: the dandelion has a single, short harvest season in April, and it is worthwhile to take advantage. It is also the market, if you do not have fields (like me, and it saddens me) available. Carasau bread is light, delicious, versatile and too little used outside of the traditional recipes sardines. It's perfect instead to wrap and contain fillings of all kinds.
Ingredients for 2 servings
  • 500 gr (circa) di tarassaco (detto anche pisacan, o soffione, cicoria matta)
  • 2 o 3 fogli di pane carasau
  • 1 caprino (o un po' di caprino e un po' di ricotta di pecora)
  • 1 cucchiaio di parmigiano grattugiato
  • 1 uovo piccolo
Mondare e lessare il tarassaco.
Strizzarlo bene, e tritarlo grossolanamente con il coltello.
Mescolarlo bene all'uovo e ai formaggi, salare e pepare.
Passare sotto l'acqua fredda i fogli di pane e lasciarli riposare qualche minuto, finché diventano soft.
Lightly grease a baking dish lined with sheets of bread, overlapping them a bit 'and letting sbordino abundantly from the container, fill with the mixture and fold the edges to cover everything well.
Sprinkle with a little 'oil, and bake at (about) 200 ° (approximately) 20 minutes, then grill and brown until the surface is pretty crisp.
Who is on a diet, sacrifice and save the egg (about) 80 calories without serious damage.


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