I presented last night at the rowing club Aniene my book on Rome - the storming of Rome - with several people in this city do not necessarily think like me but which was really a pleasure to chat. There were Gianni Alemanno, Walter Veltroni, Aurelio Regina, Andrea Mondello, Pambianchi Cesare, Giovanni Malago and Luis Costamagna. We talked about different topics in my book and said some things I think deserve to be told. The three speakers more closely linked to the business world Roman (Mondello, who is president della Camera di Commercio, Pambianchi, che è numero uno dei commercianti di Roma, e Regina, numero uno degli industriali romani) erano sostanzialmente d’accordo con una cosa che dico in maniera chiara nel mio libro. Lo hanno detto loro stessi: la presa di Roma è avvenuta perché gli amministratori (di sinistra) della Capitale hanno privilegiato troppo un piccolo gruppo di imprenditori della città; e gli altri, loro compresi, si sono ribellati. Alemanno è stato cortese e critico nei confronti del mio libro. Ha letto il finale del libro, in cui spiego come il sindaco di Roma ha tutte le carte per potersi presentare alla fine del suo mandato come candidato alla presidenza del consiglio, e sfottendomi un po’ ha detto che pensare a una cosa del genere porta Jella, “guardate – ha detto con Veltroni che lo guardava sconcertato – come sono finiti gli altri sindaci di Roma che hanno provato a fare i presidenti del consiglio”.
Una cosa che il sindaco di Roma non ha invece ben compreso del mio libro riguarda il tipo di descrizione che faccio della città. Alemanno sostiene che la Presa di Roma sia un romanzo storico in cui Roma viene descritta come un insieme di gente senza scrupoli e di malaffare che scorazza per la città, “quasi come se fosse una Chicago degli anni Trenta”. Io ho cercato di spiegare al sindaco che descrivere la meccanica della conquista della città comporta anche il dover mostrare i volti delle persone di potere che tentano every day to influence the choices of the directors of the Capital, these people are there and in Rome. Nothing wrong with that: the men of power, especially those who are making a lot of money in the city, are important because if they are involved with intelligence in the affairs of the city are able to produce wealth for the city. A bill, however, is working with them, another is to follow their agenda. I did then to note that Alemanno Rome is a city that has the advantage of being in constant evolution for several years. Roma, who lives there knows, is a city where you live where you live fine but certainly better than a few years ago. Security, whatever people may say in the election campaign, è un problema che riguarda più la percezione che altro: dal 2007 a oggi il trend dei reati segna un calo continuo e il merito è di tutti: sia del sindaco precedente sia di quello attuale. Veltroni – che parlando con Giovanni Malagò, presidente del Circolo Aniene, ha lanciato un messaggio piuttosto chiaro a Bersani: “Caro Giovanni, in Italia funziona che quando si amministra qualcosa o si governa qualcosa chi viene dopo di te tende sempre a voler azzerare tutto quello che tu hai fatto spiegando sempre, in modo davvero bizzarro, che bisogna ricominciare da zero” – ha invece contestato in modo garbato una dei temi secondo me più delicati che esamino nella prima parte del libro. Io sostengo che la sinistra a Roma, specie in the last election, has revealed in a one of its most glaring deficit in its current policies: zero attention to the suburbs. What the book calls the Model field of flowers is an example of a political scheme which devotes much attention to the center of the city and finds himself forced to neglect the outlying areas.
Veltroni said that the left has failed to argue that the suburbs is a nonsense. Carefully, however, concerns not only the data that Rutelli Alemanno defeated in 2008 (two thirds of the votes came from the suburbs, and is not much) but also the last regional elections (in Lazio, the center has lost because he lost all peripheral provinces) and even the latest national results (the center in Italy, let us case, can not be a majority in any of the outlying Italian) data that the left no longer knows how to interpret local needs of his constituents, unfortunately, it seems a matter of fact . Another thing that I pointed out then my reply to the last two mayors of Rome. You can think what you want to Veltroni and Rutelli Alemanno and even, but there is an undeniable fact that must be taken into consideration when it comes to the leadership of Rome. There is no other Italian city - or Milan, Turin or Naples, or Palermo: none - that it was capable of producing negli ultimi anni una nuova classe dirigente come quella romana. Veltroni, Rutelli e secondo me anche Alemanno, rappresentano, o in certi casi hanno rappresentato, tre modelli di leadership nazionale che possono piacere o non piacere ma che non sono passate inosservate. Alemanno dice che non ha intenzione di candidarsi tra tre anni a Palazzo Chigi. Bene, vedremo se manterrà la promessa.
Qui tutte le cose che sono uscite sulla serata di ieri
RIFORME: ALEMANNO, IL FEDERALISMO FISCALE? MAGARI ARRIVASSE SUBITO (ASCA) - Roma, 26 apr - ''Magari arrivasse presto il federalismo fiscale''. A dirlo il sindaco di Roma Gianni Alemanno nel corso della presentazione del libro di Claudio Cerasa ''La presa di Roma'' are still in progress at the rowing club Aniene the presence, among others, Walter Veltroni and the President of the Industrial Union, Aurelio Regina. Alemanno said that''the fact that capital and 'we carry a boulder on his shoulders''and this has stressed the need' to deliver quickly to fiscal federalism. Alemanno also explained that from 1870 onwards in this country have never come to terms with the fact that Rome and 'the capital and not any policy. bet / sam / lv 262042 April 10 NNNN
ROME: ALEMANNO, PD IS FREE OF SHOCK AND FACE OPPOSITION AWARE Rome, April 26 (Adnkronos) - "The Democratic Party is free from shock and trauma accumulated as the City of Rome and the Region and face opposition more 'composed and aware'. It is said that the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno speaking today at the Rowing Club Aniene the presentation of the book by Claudio Cerasa, 'The fall of Rome', in response to the former Rome mayor Walter Veltroni, who accused the opposition to have a little Anglo-Saxon aplomb. Rome mayor also said to have frequently problems "to find partners with which to address the problems the Romans." (Cap / Gs / Adnkronos) 26-APR-10 21:00 NNNN
TOWNS: LONDON; VELTRONI, NEVER BETTINI INTERVENTION IN OUR CHOICES (ANSA) - ROMA, 26 APR -''I want to clear up any doubt: Goffredo Bettini it 's never intervened in the choices we made in Rome, so' as Gianni Letta, I have always defined the human face of the enemy camp, I called when there were short-circuiting.'' He said the former Rome mayor Walter Veltroni, now deputy, during the presentation of the book by Claudio Cerasa, editor of Il Foglio, 'The fall of Rome', which was also attended by the mayor Gianni Alemanno. Veltroni stressed that he is back to talk of Rome, except for some specific occasions, after two years. ''When you change jobs - he added - they change jobs and should not hinder those who come after you. Verra 'time for a review on Alemanno but this is not' the place.'' The former mayor also spoke of Italy as a country where''those who are 'elected must show to begin from scratch. It 's a country that so'''.( ANSA). TAG / IMP 26-APR-10 21:16 NNN
TOWNS: LONDON; ALEMANNO Veltroni, the mayor FORMULA 1 (ANSA) - ROMA, 26 APR -''When you will end your mandate will be considered the mayor of the city 'of Formula 1, as some have spoken of me as the mayor of the Festa del Cinema, living God, we have done well to achieve.'' He said the former Rome mayor Walter Veltroni, now deputy, during the presentation of the book by Claudio Cerasa, editor of Il Foglio, 'The fall of Rome', which was also attended by the mayor Gianni Alemanno. (ANSA). TAG / IMP 26-APR-10 21:22 NNN
TOWNS: LONDON, Alemanno, Mayor for a straight? DOOR Ielli (ANSA) - ROMA, 26 APR -''In the book I read that I would be trying to do what 'they have done previously Rutelli and Veltroni, Rome using to make a national scale. But they did not succeed and now, according Cerasa, we'd be trying it myself. There 'nothing that brings more' bad luck to think such a thing.'' He said the mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, during the presentation of the book by Claudio Cerasa, 'The fall of Rome'. What Cerasa''- he added - 'a book in which Rome is described as a series of bands sympathetic villains. Fortunately, things are not so '. I would not call a book of record but a good historical novel.''(ANSA). TAG / SCN 26-APR-10 21:23 NNNù
PDL: VELTRONI, GIANNI READ THE HUMAN FACE OF THE ENEMY LINE-UP EVER MADE AS OF THE REST Goffredo Bettini Rome, April 26 (Adnkronos) - "Goffredo Bettini it 's never intervened in any administrative choice, but even Gianni Letta. The' human face 'of the line opponent. I called only when short circuits were to be resolved, like the one on the house." It 'as said the former Rome mayor Walter Veltroni, speaking today next to the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno Aniene Rowing Club at the presentation of the book by Claudio Cerasa,' The fall of Rome '. (Cap / Opr / Adnkronos) 26-APR-10 21:23 NNNN
ROME: ALEMANNO, OPPOSITION OVERCOME TRAUMA LOSS CAPITOL (AGI) - Rome, April 26 - "The opposition and Pd of Rome to be freed from the traumas accumulated in these two years and try to make opposition more 'composed and aware. Often I have difficulty 'in finding partners. "Said the mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, speaking in the evening the presentation of the book" The capture of Rome, "the journalist Claudio Cerasa. The event was attended by former mayor Walter Veltroni who had denounced "that national costume, a little Anglo-Saxon, so who comes to power negatively judge the work of those and 'came first." However, Alemanno controversy than in past administrations can not be attributed only to the attitude of the majority but also to the opposition, "which did not have the maturity ' understand that we have inherited problems that were not heavy caused by a few months of our government. "(AGI) Cli / About / DMA / Between April 10 NNNN 262134
ROME: VELTRONI, LEFT FOR LOST suburbs? E 'A Baggiani ( AGI) - Rome, April 26. - "It 'a nonsense to say that the suburbs have condemned the Centre" at the last municipal elections won by the mayor Gianni Alemanno, and that might have been the main driver of a shift in the political balance City ''. It is claimed that the former mayor of the capital, Walter Veltroni, who spoke in the evening the presentation of the book 'The fall of Rome' journalist Claudio Cerasa. Also present was the mayor Alemanno, however, that ' has a different interpretation of what happened two years ago: "in the central areas has won the center-left, but we won in the suburbs everywhere." A reconstruction that, according to Veltroni, would instead be contradicted by the data, "the suburbs have voted for us in both 2006 and in 2008 - he concluded - and this could not have happened if we had governed badly." (AGI) Cli / STP 262152 April 10 NNNN
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