"The term 'capture of Rome" as if to make the mayor meant for me to follow in the footsteps of Rutelli and Veltroni to use the Capitol and then groped for the bang to national power. I do not care, because there's nothing that brings more bad luck. " Joked the mayor Gianni Alemanno on its possible future as a premier and clear up doubts about a climb at Palazzo Chigi in 2013.
The intervention of the mayor comes during the debate on the book's editor in chief of Il Foglio "Claudio Cerasa note entitled" La Presa di Roma "(Rizzoli), which recounts the evolution of a city from the model Rutelli and Veltroni Rome its deus ex machina Goffredo Bettini to the capital "captured" by the center and to eighteen months in office Alemanno.
A presentation which was also attended by former mayor Walter Veltroni. "After two years, except for special occasions when I was asked, I'll be talking about Rome - said Veltroni in a great shape - When you change jobs, change and we must not impede those who come after you. "
Then when you start talking about his city, Rome, is a river in flood. "We have tried to undermine the prejudices of Rome: he was lazy, that no one works here, a city without soul and ministries where the economic powers are the masters - said the lawmaker - Before there were the commissioners who were Rutelli taken away by police because they also stole the plates, then the image is changed even implementing the Auditorium, the new car, the new Fiera di Roma, the yards for the meter. We had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe city that we have made in the field, right or wrong it is, but without spirit and soul does not govern.
And again: "They remind me of the Film Festival and thank goodness we did because it has boosted the tourism, but you'll be the mayor of the Formula 1 '. The book analyzes the defeat of his center-left from the suburbs and Veltroni stresses: "It is there that we have done the bulk of our work, we have not lost, it is a nonsense because we took 40% of the votes." Aleman denies admitting to dedicate his victory thanks to the suburbs.
"In the central areas of the left has won, but we in the suburbs anywhere. And thanks to the precision and the rules that we want to give to Rome. Now the city is safer, given the data on the reduction of crime ' states and the mayor adds, "The Power of Rome is a beautiful novel about Rome, but unhitched from reality." Replication stopped Claudio Cerasa: "A book written in a fictional course, but describing the city with many many interviews and data. It is an attempt to describe the leadership of Rome and the mechanisms of capture of a city. "
April 27, 2010
Laura Serlo
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