Non so voi, ma io ho una serie di questioni in sospeso riguardo alla preparazione del cibo.
Misteri che affronto da anni, e che nonostante mi ci sia incaponita non sono mai arrivati a soluzione.
Oggi ne ho uno uno in meno, ed era uno dei più frustranti.
Come si fanno le puntarelle non è un mistero per nessuno. È la cosa più stupida del mondo. Si prendono le puntarelle, eventualmente si spelano, si cut into very thin sticks, put themselves in cold water and leave it there for a certain number of hours. End of procedure. When you return you find some nice curls, they are seasoned with oil, vinegar, garlic, anchovies. End of recipe.
Or, if one is in Rome, go to the market and if you buy them ready-curled. Civilized practice, I find. Up here but the only way is to go to the market, buy a huge bunch of Catalonia ear (because if you ask puntarelle have no idea what you mean), make their way through the foliage with a machete, cigarette butts, a separate one, and set about the deadly work of shredding with a sharp boxcutter. But
But I'm ten years I do this thing rocks with faith, and when I find the same sticks straight as nails I have left to soak. And eat straight puntarelle completely undermines the pleasure on this no compromise is acceptable. I asked in vain for years, mothers, grandmothers, cousins, in-laws and friends of friends in Rome. In vain have I molested whole forum because you tell me how, how do you get the typical curly. I even bought a Japanese knife, thinking that maybe it was the poor quality of my rudimentary homemade knife to make a difference. Nothing.
But then I received a gift tagliapuntarelle - Tapu for posterity - and my life has taken a turn.
The genius who invented it deserves a statue does not say, but at least a plaque, a Garter, an honor. I hope that he is rich and famous, and travel on a gilded carriage to the applause of the crowd.
This simple but effective device works like this: grab the chicory, push it through the grate and voila! End of work. Thrown into the water, and when you come back, you find fresh messinpiega, softly curled as if he had not done anything else in life.
And since the genie is contagious, in my small way I quickly realized that There was a degree of perfection already in a very satisfactory result: the cut in octopus * .
The cut octopus, apart from the fun aspect that is already important in itself, can easily inforchettare the elusive vegetable, and enjoy a perfect morsel.
And from now on I'm going to enjoy it in abundance. Veniero Thanks!
* actually the technique of the octopus had explained to me years ago, Silvia, who viciously applied to the sausage to fry. So it's all a chain of virtuous genius that contagiously spreads around the globe.
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