Le mani sulla Capitale: luci e ombre sulla vittoria della destra
di Maria Grazia GerinaTutto inizia con l’immagine a night in a city that fades from red to black. And a scene of great suggestion: Alemanno a few minutes MSI is the first mayor of the capital, overlooking from the balcony to celebrate victory on Capitol Hill. It whispers, "Jack." In the city for fifteen years has been laboratory and showcase center, UL, Pd. Here, the 'start' is that, in technicolor. The rest of the 208 pages written by Claudio Cerasa to tell more in the warm fall of Rome (300 pages, € 9.80, Bur Universal Library Rizzoli, necklace Futuropassato) are used to rewind the film, to go behind the scenes. A line up the right questions: "Who's in charge when the change Capital color? That they face the new masters? Where to hide the real powers? ". To understand how it is constructed of a victory. Unthinkable a few months earlier. It has already become a textbook case. If you really - how confident the spin-doctor of Alemanno, Umberto Croppi author - even the U.S. embassy called on infformazioni Alemanno's election campaign to make the subject of study. The BOY FACE April 28, 2008, Gianni Alemanno, the intemperate boy who loved the fields of the Front Hobbit, the son of Pino Rauti, the guardian of the "right values" capable of standing up for his own, in An early and PDL then, becomes mayor of Rome with 200 thousand votes more than Francesco Rutelli, chosen by the center as a bulwark of three decades of government. The heart of the book is the story of those 200 thousand votes. Two hundred thousand votes won by Alemanno - the author points out - are above two hundred thousand votes lost by Rutelli's center-left victories than the previous, since the loser Tajani 746mila in 2001 had obtained the votes of winning votes 783mila Alemanno. THE WRONG HORSE The choice of "horse" wrong end of a cycle, the breakdown of balances that for fifteen years had allowed the center to govern ... Above all - is the most interesting chapter of the book - the loss of contact with the needs of the suburbs. Views from the center can be many reasons for defeat. But not There is no doubt that the trump card of the new conquerors has been an especially: the ability to ride at a theme that up to two years before Rome was not taken into consideration. Something intangible like the promise of security. In the chapter "The victory of fear," Cerasa follows it frame by frame. Killing of Giovanna Reggiani, just got off the station of Tor di Quinto, the rape of a girl from Lesotho, near the station La Storta, twelve days after the ballot. "That evening, at twenty-two minutes in front of the station wrong - twelve kilometers from the Colosseum and fifteen minutes from the Olympic Stadium - two Romanians came to a South African girl ... La campagna elettorale si decise in quella malandata stazione ferroviaria: lo stupro della ragazza sudafricana diventò il soffio di vento con cui il centrodestra provò definitivamente a invertire la rotta politica della città», scrive Claudio Cerasa. E pazienza se il suo «salvatore», l’angelo della Storta, testimonial del patto per la legalità siglato da Alemanno nella redazione del quotidiano di Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone, era in realtà - si scoprì - un personaggio tutt’altro che angelico, con tanto di precedenti penali. Molto più di queste piccole sbavature a scoprire il gioco di cartapesta messo in piedi dalla destra nella campagna elettorale del 2008 è un sondaggio datato marzo 2009. Il sondaggio, curato dall’Eures, registra che il 50,1% dei romani lontano dal sentirsi finalmente protetto si sente invece più insicuro, che il 50,5% non ha notato cambiamenti di rilievo e che solo il 4,5% si sente più protetto. Se la sorprendente vittoria del centrodestra a Roma è stata soprattutto «La vittoria della paura», quel consenso costruito proiettando sulla città eterna l’ombra di un crimine. ROMA mgerina@unita.it
4 gennaio 2010
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