Friday, January 29, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Repair A Broken Violin

Aranzadas memorable

I know little of Sardinian cuisine, but what I love. My taste buds tend to retain memories of what I tasted there, even for years: a clear sign of a kitchen according to my natural taste.
This year I wanted to make cookies for Christmas, but I was really tired of the massive proliferation of biscuits that burdened my daily blog and the whole www. My memory papillary then that helps me in times of emergency, I stated with confidence aranzadas: angelic sweets and simple that I had brought from Nuoro ten years ago and I was delighted.
While I spent my evenings to fillet maniacally thin orange peels, the proud MarieClaire and her husband promised to intercede with him mother of Sardinia, to give up the family recipe: she generously agreed, and were aranzadas.
Many thanks to all of them, then. Now that I can do, I'll always.
It takes:
  • oranges
  • honey (I used a good wildflower, and in general do not recommend the chestnut honey, very dark and bitter).
  • almonds
peel oranges by taking a quarter, and rises with a sharp boxcutter absolutely all the white part of peel from each slice. Are obtained for thin fillets and put them to dry on a radiator (stove, mantel, ventilated oven at low temperature). Are strongly favored at this stage, large families and have good manual dexterity and patience.
When they have enough put in a pot in cold water and bring to a boil. You change the water and the operation is repeated three times. Drain them well and put on a dry cloth.
is filleted in the longitudinal almonds also getting very thin sticks (work really infamous), and toasting them lightly in the oven.
honey is heated enough to drown in the skins, and cook over a gentle heat for twenty minutes, or how long it takes for them to become translucent and absorb good honey.
When you are ready, add the fillets of almond and turns off the fire.

We prepare the table a nice array of cups cake in miniature, and one fitted by a pair of pliers in the kitchen like this photo, or alternatively of chopsticks (I'm not kidding: I have made with them, absolute madness).
are to be taken of small quantities of peel and almonds, drain it very well by an excess of honey, and are deposited with a sure hand in paper cups forming graceful mounds possible without splashing drops of honey around, which gets mangy to remove. At this stage it is essential to speed: as the honey cools, it will be more difficult to drain away completely, and the surplus could be deposited on the bottom of the cups to form a sticky sole, which is absolutely fine! So when you find that you are solidifying the mixture too much and not more drips away immediately, you give them a steaming.
it is left to solidify, and even last a month.

The result should be an ethereal, airy morsels of candied orange and almond-scented honey, hard to forget. At least, for me it was so.

Consistent with my personale campagna contro lo sfruttamento dei blogger e a sostegno dell'economia di scambio, questo post è stato scritto dietro generoso compenso di un meraviglioso barattolo di miele sardo.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gold 1911 Airsoft Gun

The mystery of chicory

Non so voi, ma io ho una serie di questioni in sospeso riguardo alla preparazione del cibo.
Misteri che affronto da anni, e che nonostante mi ci sia incaponita non sono mai arrivati a soluzione.
Oggi ne ho uno uno in meno, ed era uno dei più frustranti.

Come si fanno le puntarelle non è un mistero per nessuno. È la cosa più stupida del mondo. Si prendono le puntarelle, eventualmente si spelano, si cut into very thin sticks, put themselves in cold water and leave it there for a certain number of hours. End of procedure. When you return you find some nice curls, they are seasoned with oil, vinegar, garlic, anchovies. End of recipe.
Or, if one is in Rome, go to the market and if you buy them ready-curled. Civilized practice, I find. Up here but the only way is to go to the market, buy a huge bunch of Catalonia ear (because if you ask puntarelle have no idea what you mean), make their way through the foliage with a machete, cigarette butts, a separate one, and set about the deadly work of shredding with a sharp boxcutter. But
But I'm ten years I do this thing rocks with faith, and when I find the same sticks straight as nails I have left to soak. And eat straight puntarelle completely undermines the pleasure on this no compromise is acceptable. I asked in vain for years, mothers, grandmothers, cousins, in-laws and friends of friends in Rome. In vain have I molested whole forum because you tell me how, how do you get the typical curly. I even bought a Japanese knife, thinking that maybe it was the poor quality of my rudimentary homemade knife to make a difference. Nothing.

But then I received a gift tagliapuntarelle - Tapu for posterity - and my life has taken a turn.

The genius who invented it deserves a statue does not say, but at least a plaque, a Garter, an honor. I hope that he is rich and famous, and travel on a gilded carriage to the applause of the crowd.
This simple but effective device works like this: grab the chicory, push it through the grate and voila! End of work. Thrown into the water, and when you come back, you find fresh messinpiega, softly curled as if he had not done anything else in life.

And since the genie is contagious, in my small way I quickly realized that There was a degree of perfection already in a very satisfactory result: the cut in octopus * .
The cut octopus, apart from the fun aspect that is already important in itself, can easily inforchettare the elusive vegetable, and enjoy a perfect morsel.
And from now on I'm going to enjoy it in abundance. Veniero Thanks!

* actually the technique of the octopus had explained to me years ago, Silvia, who viciously applied to the sausage to fry. So it's all a chain of virtuous genius that contagiously spreads around the globe.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Masterbation With Hair Iron

La Presa di Roma sulla Stampa/ 3

La Presa di Roma La Stampa / 3

Augello, the strategist who, after trying to conquer Rome Lazio

The problem, said Andrea Augello, Gianni Alemanno was to exalt the qualities which they did moderate voters throat on loan to the left. "We did so well that in the end we got the votes of the left, the left true."

is still debated today on what has affected the work of Augello in the fall of Rome. How should the Alemanno? It's what have to defeat two years ago, when Walter Veltroni won re-election campaign after a Augello which had refused to take part? He, Augello, today resolves as follows: "In 2006, Aleman did not lose because I was not there, but I was not there because he would lose Alemanno. In any case, it is discussed again because in the center, with imagination shaky, some say that is like that Augello Mr. Wolf in Pulp Fiction, one that comes when there is a trouble to solve.

And it is discussed to predict how many votes left, left true, it will be able to bring to Renata Polverini. One that, on the other bank, already has some sympathy. Andrea Augello was born in 1961 and Claudio Velardi, Fabio Beatrice Lorenzin Rampelli and is in the team to bring Polverini's room who was governor of the Lazio Piero Marrazzo. Velardi to know everything. A former communist, former PDS, ex Ds. He was one of Lothar Massimo D'Alema at Palazzo Chigi, and is considered a whimsical communication. Fabio Rampelli as Augello, is a former social movement. Needless to talk again of the years of beatings in the streets and so on. Today sums up: Augello has been able to call at the same table the party and the Roman upper classes, which for decades had been embarrassed, if not disgusting, to make common cause with blacks.

It was with the red or whites. Rampelli was able to call at the same table, the bourgeoisie and the people. As for Beatrice Lorenzin, she has a different story. E 'was born in San Camillo, Rome, thirty-eight years ago. He has always made political force in Italy and in '99, when he was a teenager, Silvio Berlusconi made the regional coordinator. The results have arrived. She is one who knows the neighborhoods, and Acilia Ostia, in particular, and policies of 2006 saw the result because there, in some villages of red, Forza Italy became the first party. Of these, Augello, however, is the most interesting. It 's a perfect example of that new right, coming up in the eighties, and that came out of the catacombs beginning with the change his shirt.

In a chronicle of '93, is a right described thus: "Almost all dress like former comrades, sweaters, pants cut, someone with long hair, shoes, Clark, there's even a bag of Tolfa. In the fall of Rome, Claudio Cerasa book, a portrait of Augello is this: 'It has always been regarded as the expression of that right a bit' Parioli, a little 'chic, no more tight pants and boots with blacks but Fred Perry and New Balance. " That is to say: "These militants in a suit and tie that to teens, instead of dreaming about revolution, dreamed of making the deputies." And therefore say that one day took ill with Maurizio Gasparri, a discussion began between the two bitter, and Augello, which is much larger book, took Gasparri and stuck his head in a puddle, or a true story that has a little dance: that tells you stories much of the fame of Augello.

that now has one of the heir of Goffredo Bettini, delicacy of line and ability to stay in the world, but is one who has friends (so they say) between Tassinari incattiviti more. Born in the tradition of the social right, and therefore no wonder if Anna Finocchiaro tight association with the Democratic Party, a former Communist, along with a book which has forgotten the massacre of Gela, the year 1943. Thesis of the book: it was all the fault degli americani. E insomma, si va a finire lì. Metti assieme uno come Velardi, una di strada come la Lorenzin, uno come Rampelli, li fai coordinare da Augello e viene in mente che nel Lazio, Alemanno più Polverini, la somma fa Fini. La Lorenzin dice che è banale: «Sarebbe tutto vero soltanto se noi fossimo il Pd, dove ci si combatte tra fazioni».

Augello ricorda che «nella storia del centrodestra, Fini ha la fiche di Roma almeno dal 1993». Tutta la classe dirigente (Silvano Moffa, Francesco Storace, Alemanno) è stata roba sua. Aggiunge che «se conquistassimo la Regione, la vittoria di Roma uscirebbe dalla categoria di episodio e prenderebbe la forma di una nascente polarità del centrodestra». That is a way of doing government. A new way. But there in the middle someone says, with a similar power, Fini ethologically would feel more reassured, and perhaps would not have all the reasons.

Matt Felts

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wired Closet Light With Motion Sensor

A mezz'aria

The same feeling when you're flying, when you are already above the clouds. Palpitations take-off has passed away, the empty stomach is the past, you feel a sense of stability, with consapovelozza that is not really that stable. As the clouds above the targets are high, but they are based on without touching the ground without concrete results. Thoughts run fast, you ride in a space-time great running even faster. There are many things you would like to do but you have to stay there, on the seat belts may be loose but you just want to renew and prepare for landing. Taking a risk to go for, not just to think. It 's like the lock-unlock-relocks of the writer. What triggers your inspiration? What makes the light turn on the 'fasten your seat belt-ready all'atterraggio"? Solo una questione di tempo. Arriva tutto.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blueprint Of Beer Pong Table

La Presa di Roma sull'Unità

Le mani sulla Capitale: luci e ombre sulla vittoria della destra

di  Maria Grazia Gerina

Tutto inizia con l’immagine a night in a city that fades from red to black. And a scene of great suggestion: Alemanno a few minutes MSI is the first mayor of the capital, overlooking from the balcony to celebrate victory on Capitol Hill. It whispers, "Jack." In the city for fifteen years has been laboratory and showcase center, UL, Pd. Here, the 'start' is that, in technicolor. The rest of the 208 pages written by Claudio Cerasa to tell more in the warm fall of Rome (300 pages, € 9.80, Bur Universal Library Rizzoli, necklace Futuropassato) are used to rewind the film, to go behind the scenes. A line up the right questions: "Who's in charge when the change Capital color? That they face the new masters? Where to hide the real powers? ". To understand how it is constructed of a victory. Unthinkable a few months earlier. It has already become a textbook case. If you really - how confident the spin-doctor of Alemanno, Umberto Croppi author - even the U.S. embassy called on infformazioni Alemanno's election campaign to make the subject of study. The BOY FACE April 28, 2008, Gianni Alemanno, the intemperate boy who loved the fields of the Front Hobbit, the son of Pino Rauti, the guardian of the "right values" capable of standing up for his own, in An early and PDL then, becomes mayor of Rome with 200 thousand votes more than Francesco Rutelli, chosen by the center as a bulwark of three decades of government. The heart of the book is the story of those 200 thousand votes. Two hundred thousand votes won by Alemanno - the author points out - are above two hundred thousand votes lost by Rutelli's center-left victories than the previous, since the loser Tajani 746mila in 2001 had obtained the votes of winning votes 783mila Alemanno. THE WRONG HORSE The choice of "horse" wrong end of a cycle, the breakdown of balances that for fifteen years had allowed the center to govern ... Above all - is the most interesting chapter of the book - the loss of contact with the needs of the suburbs. Views from the center can be many reasons for defeat. But not There is no doubt that the trump card of the new conquerors has been an especially: the ability to ride at a theme that up to two years before Rome was not taken into consideration. Something intangible like the promise of security. In the chapter "The victory of fear," Cerasa follows it frame by frame. Killing of Giovanna Reggiani, just got off the station of Tor di Quinto, the rape of a girl from Lesotho, near the station La Storta, twelve days after the ballot. "That evening, at twenty-two minutes in front of the station wrong - twelve kilometers from the Colosseum and fifteen minutes from the Olympic Stadium - two Romanians came to a South African girl ... La campagna elettorale si decise in quella malandata stazione ferroviaria: lo stupro della ragazza sudafricana diventò il soffio di vento con cui il centrodestra provò definitivamente a invertire la rotta politica della città», scrive Claudio Cerasa. E pazienza se il suo «salvatore», l’angelo della Storta, testimonial del patto per la legalità siglato da Alemanno nella redazione del quotidiano di Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone, era in realtà - si scoprì - un personaggio tutt’altro che angelico, con tanto di precedenti penali. Molto più di queste piccole sbavature a scoprire il gioco di cartapesta messo in piedi dalla destra nella campagna elettorale del 2008 è un sondaggio datato marzo 2009. Il sondaggio, curato dall’Eures, registra che il 50,1% dei romani lontano dal sentirsi finalmente protetto si sente invece più insicuro, che il 50,5% non ha notato cambiamenti di rilievo e che solo il 4,5% si sente più protetto. Se la sorprendente vittoria del centrodestra a Roma è stata soprattutto «La vittoria della paura», quel consenso costruito proiettando sulla città eterna l’ombra di un crimine. ROMA

4 gennaio 2010

Dark Cirles And Sarcoidosis

La Presa di Roma sulla Stampa/2

08/01/2010 -
D'Alema Aleman and biographies parallel
Marcello Sorgi
The cross-reading of two books published recently reveals that the mechanisms of seizure of power, not only resemble but are unrelated to a large extent on the nature and political orientation (left or right) who takes the scepter. Claudio Cerasa, journalist of the paper ( The capture of Rome, Bur future past, € 9.80), and Alexandra Sardoni, journalist for La 7 ( The Phantom of the leader , Marsilio Times, € 16.50), respectively, analyzed the amazing ascent to the Capitol by Gianni Alemanno, the first right-wing mayor of the capital after fifteen years of uninterrupted rule of the Left, el'incolmabile leadership vacuum of the PDS-DS-PD, after the church-communist party.

The two main characters, adversaries in the political life of every day, share some aspects of their (very different) products: represent their parties in the two figures very identity, "the right social "Alemanno and post-communist Massimo D'Alema. In buildings that are or have been (and the Capitol Building Chigi), came a surprise: Alemanno was not given for winning in the spring of 2008, when Rutelli tried for the third time to go back to the mayor of Rome. And D'Alema was accused of plotting to oust Prodi and becoming president of the council on the basis of a new turnaround and without a transition election.

Perhaps also depends on this - the need is, to stabilize after the tumultuous climb that brought them into the saddle - the use of rules and techniques of power quite similar. First of all, the occupation of uncharted territory or abandoned by their predecessors to Alemanno, the suburbs and the villages once a consensus of the left lung, then abandoned the policy of free Veltroni made of events (Film Festival, White Nights) and set, by force of circumstance , on the spectacular scenery of the center of the capital. As for D'Alema, the famous visit in Cologno Monzese the historical site of Channel 5, when the future first post-communist prime minister acknowledged that commercial television was a major cultural industries in the country.

second rule, the use of 'issues' and heretical or unusual issues with respect to their cultures of origin: Alemanno for the "social" pushed to the limits of courtship proletarian electorate more traditionally close to the radical left. And D'Alema technocracy, popular in all its forms public and private, from private to senior managers of the armed forces, with the addition of a posting controversial and progressive trade unions. Finally, the third and queen of the rules, the transversal to the opening to dalemiani Alemanno, declared enemies of the Pd Veltroni, D'Alema and his outstretched arm to Berlusconi, Prodi and Veltroni goal of ruling. That is, in other words, the awareness that the opposition and alternatives exist only during the election campaign. And the day after you won, a part of the defeated is ready a far patti con te. 

Autore : Claudio Cerasa
Titolo : La presa di Roma
Edizioni : Bur
Pagine : 300 
Prezzo : 9,80

Autore : Alessandra Sardoni
Titolo : Il fantasma del leader
Edizioni : Marsilio
Pagine : 335 
Prezzo : 16,50

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bath After Hysterectomy

A happy ending and a good start

I promised in July that would have given the news Mannara Cat, and it seems the right time to do so.
I waited a few months because I wanted to be sure that everything was going as I hoped: This story started as a mess, and I wanted to celebrate the happy ending before it was consolidated.

I decided to keep the Cat Mannara with me all summer, hoping that somehow things are settled. I wanted to observe a little more, 'and try to understand the source of his discomfort and posters of his overt dislike for me. Maybe we just wanted Patience, I thought, very quiet, good meals and the time to get to know.
But things were not going well, the cat spent all his time climbing on the nets trying to get out of the windows, a painful scene. He looked at me wrong. And when I tried to play with her became increasingly abusive and aggressive. He played with anger here.
After two months I have confirmed what I had already guessed: to stay healthy this kitten needed two things: an open space and a fellow of his kind. For the rest grew increasingly healthy and beautiful, pampered, petted, but not at all happy. And I even: it is ugly to live and to love someone that is not comfortable with you. Really a bad feeling.
So I decided that if I found someone who can offer the ideal situation for nature, I would have left. Otherwise we would have arranged her and me, in a spirit of adaptation.
Not easy!
But it happened.
There were these two friends who seemed made just for her, and she for them. Sereni, reliable, loving, childless tormentors of cats, with a large terrace house with walled, and very good parents of a young cat placid but remained alone all day. They were thinking, rightly, because it did take a second company. Better than that, I could not imagine.
When I first met I knew right from the way they conducted the cat, which would have been perfect. The son liked at first sight, he changed the face and attitude, and when they returned in September to carry off and entered the cage alone, as if he saw the time to start his new life (as I am furious and this act I just know! but you have me to do a good reason).

She is now fine, playing with butterflies on the terrace, the big cat has accepted it at once with joy and without reserve, and requested it immediately in the his bed.

With its new human is friendly and affectionate and they are very satisfied with the choice made. I see the webcam, I often hear from him and I must say that despite the pain of separation and all the trouble she went through, it gave me joy to know it in its proper place at last, happy as he deserved. You see that I was just a channel, you must reach that place there and he knew it, perhaps this was so wer ...
short, they all lived happily ever after.

And me?
Well, 'I'm not left alone for long. Luckily, I Tea has found.

Oh, and good start, too!