Heart: This word is used for motion or desires of any kind, but what is constant is that
that the heart - which is denied or rejected -
wants to be a subject of gift.
E ' This definition comes from the page of a book, Fragments of an amorous Roland Barthes, fermatasi unexpectedly while the ball of his thumb stroking the edge of the stack.
Define the heart is to define life. A gift. To live is to manage the heart, let it move, do want, put it in play. Donate it to the fear that is rejected, that is denied. It does not matter. Mean, however, give it to receive another in return.
The mutual exchange of life is a mutual exchange of hearts. And perhaps it is not necessary to speak of an exchange between human beings or much less restriction to the category in love, give your heart to friendship, to receive a smile, a pretty picture, a beautiful poem, beautiful music has the same value. Another heart in return, another volcano of emotion, another joy, make sure to fill the void that left the heart that has won first.
No fear to give with both hands, for whatever reason, it is his nature.
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