Dear blog,
never ever thought I would apologize to you. You have been abandoned, not to be considered, almost forgot. I present my apology not an apology but is made of stories. The facts that I have been away from you lot were added together and you have taken time. In truth, they took time to me, to my mind, the expression of a phrase, a concept cogitata during the day. The facts were duties were concerns, but also leisure, travel and entertainment. I will not bore you with detailed reports of these, trust me.
What does it mean to trust? Well, actually, for you, the subject of technology should be quite difficult .. Maybe you know ow to beat fast fingers on the keyboard or the number 111000111001001 that perchepisci on your CPU, including human beings is different, but equally complicated. Some say that it is enough quard eyes, some say that trust is the result of a consolidated knowledge from experience and demonstrations. I gave an example of such a rational and irrational. For me it is hard to define, you do both. The basic requirement is the complicity, knowledge or rather feel a sense of tranquility and serenity when you are next to each other person. Why else would say "inspire confidence"? It has something rational inspiration? No, it's genius, magic, is a spark, an emotion. But there is not concrete and then becomes present, takes the form .. in fact, that become demonstrations for each other.
Who knows, my blog, if your binary system can inspire confidence.
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