Friday, October 1, 2010

Getting Stero Sound From My Reeiver

Girls Life, Rolling Stone June. Marrazzo's case a year later

Il caso Marrazzo un anno dopo. Storia delle ragazzone di vita di Roma

Quando l’hanno ritrovata accucciata dentro un enorme sacco dell’immondizia con la gola tagliuzzata da sette colpi di pugnale e con il cuore che aveva smesso di battere da una dozzina di giorni, aveva ancora un anello di bigiotteria con dodici piccole pietre laterali ficcato nell’anulare destro, un paio di gustosi sandali neri con il tacco molto alto e un pacchetto di preservativi appena acquistato chiuso nella tasca stropicciata del suo cappotto color mandorla accanto a una ciocca di capelli finti e a un correttore usato la notte per coprire le macchie sulla pelle. Ansa, 28 dicembre 2009: “Ostia, recuperato cadavere nel fiume. L’inchiesta al pm del caso Marrazzo”. La corretta scansione temporale degli eventi dice che il killer l’ha abbordata, l’ha portata in macchina, le ha tappato la bocca, l’ha sentita smettere di respirare, poi l’ha ficcata nel bagagliaio di un fuoristrada e dopo aver percorso gli ottocento metri separating the path that runs along the reeds on the bank of the river, just steps from Ostia, and a few meters dall'Idroscalo, he slipped into a black bag giving it the otters fed to mice that are in that area and quenched left to rot in there for at least a fortnight. RIS and then just a small piece of skin of the index of the right hand to give a name to the body of the woman, Joan. Here at Ostia knew it all, Giovanna lived and worked in the area of \u200b\u200bCastel Fusano, not far from the busy boulevard at the entrance to Ostia Antica, where the night he found himself together with his colleagues (there were a lot of Colombian, Brazilian and other more recently, several Argentine) and dove il suo cadavere è stato visto per la prima volta la notte di Santo Stefano. Giovanna era una di quelle generose signore che vivevano la notte strette nelle loro canottiere attillate – con scollature abbondanti, con jeans scuri attillati, borsette firmate e luci delle torce attivate con abilità intermittente per incantare quotidianamente il viandante di passaggio – il cui nome si ritrova spesso riquadrato negli annunci che compaiono dopo le offerte di lavoro alla fine dei giornali. A.A.A. Clodio transex bionda esageratissime emozioni abbondantissimo decoltè cercami A.A.A. Favolosa transessuale italiana 25enne bellissima sexy zona Cassia chiamami. A.A.A. Marconi appena arrivata trans 19enne decoltè insuperabilissime sensazioni chiamami. A.A.A. Termini big black trans powerful emotions call me tomorrow. AAA 100% available trans great emotions really cuddly call. At Ostia all so called, "Jane", they knew who lived on the coast for nearly a year, knew he was one of the most talented of the beach, they knew that the beautician had dreamed of doing, they knew they did not have a residence permit but not knew that his first name was not Joan of Joan, was another: it was Carlos Eduardo Fernandes. And Carlos from Rio de Janer said Joan, with its history, with his life and his life lived in the heart of the new suburbs of Rome, would love it to the pen of Pier Paolo Pasolini.

The police, perhaps someone will remember, they fished out the body of Joan in a very special moment. Those were the days where the daily newspaper offices received tons of tissue related to this or that politician linked to this or that investigation at red lights: with names of famous soccer players, politicians renowned principal, successful entrepreneurs that appeared in the mysterious and anonymous reports on the desks of reporters. They were short days of the famous trans: images that immortalize indefinite white powder deposited on glass tables, and for prosecutors engaged day and night to comment on the reliability of shapely big man with exotic names - Brenda, Jennifer, Rachel, Samantha - now protagonists of the last transgressive and bloody winter Capitoline. A winter in which, that of John, was, and still is, a very suspicious death, perhaps related to that long list of disturbing intimidation by transsexuals Romans - "Fuck if your told something of your customers: keep those mouths shut" - between the autumn and winter of last year, including phone calls and unsolicited visits nightly, daily death threats, burning houses in the middle of the night and cover found lifeless among the banks of the Tiber. E 'success with Brenda (the case of trans Marrazzo died), it happened with her friend Natalie, has happened with most of the trans most famous of the capital, and later with Joan, and it is no coincidence that the case has begun to investigate the same prosecutor who investigated the October 2009 case related to the yellow Marrazzo (Rodolfo Gabelli). In the story of Joan but there is something that goes beyond the mere judicial reporting, and which falls perfectly in that rich anthology of the holes of the eternal city where blacks are born of the most fascinating horrors of crime. The charm of the multiform Roman peripheral tissue has for years been the subject of Pasolini's astonishing literary analysis, but those areas in which the effervescent mind Pasolini plunged to defile of experience and of children living not found anywhere else is now the scene of a sparkling show in some ways from hell. A show where the characters live in an undefined environment which places the border line, a time characterized by an irresistible creative explosion, suddenly find themselves enveloped in a suffocating cloud: the presence of which is periodically revealed by nasty business of crime in the trans with their bodies elusive and visually indecipherable, are often unintended victims. And when in Rome say the area border line, when trying to describe the mysterious space that covers the walls of Rome, you mean something more than just a suburb town. "It falls - Valerio writes Magrelli in his book "Exercises tiptologia" (Einaudi 1992) - a grid of streets, houses, meadows, fields that annihilates the right guidance and annihilates the surrounding landscape. The cataclysm has created vast areas and inform a campaign hybridized, concise, and tinkling a ghostly chain of names that surrounds the city in an embrace funeral: the gold chain and marana, halo, belts health and cesspool. Cesspool. " A ghostly chain of names that marks the most extreme geography of the city - its limes, its bottom line - even with an aesthetic left in place names. And put together the names of these neighborhoods away from the heart Capital is almost like beating on a drum. Listen: Malnome, Malpas, bad faith, Malagrotta, Dark Valley, Passoscuro, Fosso Sanguinara, Femminamorta, Pantano dell'Intossicata, Campo di Carne Devil's Bridge, stop Spirits, Fountain and the Bandit, Quarto de l'hanged, Coccia di Morto, Death Valley, Colle delle Forche, Dead Canal, Canal Mortaccino, Dead Horse, Death Lestra, Charon, Tomb of the pool, Pantano el'Infernetto Hell: that the small hinge area between Rome and Ostia where Pasolini often happened and where Joan lived there for some time.

stories of transsexuals devices Romans also reveal a sudden a little 'political and some 'not own anthropological insignificant. The years of free-range Pasolini had in fact coincident with a strong awareness of the political party that represented the writer (the Communists) just in areas where they were born as a super novels Ragazzi di vita (1955). At that time, Rome was the symbol of those suburbs that had begun to enrich the pool of consensus election of the Communist Party, and winning strategies of effervescent marginal areas of the capital left the great school of Roman had become a model for all rest of Italy. Once dead Pasolini, Rome is no longer able to find an intellectual rework with the intelligence needs of those extreme areas inevitably Roman diventate nel corso degli anni (vedi per le ultime elezioni) il simbolo della disfatta del centrosinistra in questa preziosa porzione d’Italia. “A Roma – ci racconta l’ex vicesindaco Walter Tocci, che oltre che essere stato comunista ammette anche di essere un pasoliniano de fero – il problema dei confini della città, non solo urbanistico ma soprattutto letterario, è quello di avere una serie di nuclei chiusi separati l’uno dall’altro che determinano una frequente ricorrenza di oscure sacche geografiche all'interno della città. E’ in queste zone, in questi margini discontinui che oggi più di ieri avrebbero fatto impazzire d’amore Pasolini, che si sono verificati omicidi come quello di Giovanna Reggiani, stupri come quelli degli sposini olandesi e assassini come quelli dei trans, e come quello di Ostia. Si sa: a Roma, probabilmente più che in ogni altra città d’Italia, la parola marginalità coglie sia il significato sociale che quello urbanistico”. Ed è proprio in questo gioco perverso dove diabolicamente si mescolano rossetti, fondo tinta, tacchi alti, correttori, sacchi neri, preservativi e donne labbrute con barba sfumata e ottava di reggiseno; in questo gioco dove lussuosi cantieri navali del porto turistico di Ostia tornano periodicamente a simboleggiare un preciso cambio di paradigma culturale Pasolini, se fosse ancora vivo, si sarebbe certamente fermato per prendere carta e penna, per studiare il caso Brendon and Giovannoni and write a great book set in Ostia and probably titled something like: "boy's life."
Claudio Cerasa
Rolling Stone, July 2010


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