The market in September I love. The colors are beautiful, perhaps because the light is beautiful, and things jump out from poor vegetables that are not seen often on the market in Milan. Saturday I went for the first few pounds of plum sauce, but these little horn peppers, perfect, crisp and a ridiculous price just said "eat me eat me," and have come home with me. Remember having tasted in Greece, one of those delightful evenings after the sea, when the pleasures life offers the perfect, simple and without side effects. For testing I tried the recipe on the internet and saw that rimbalzava dappertutto questa che, per una volta, non era un bidone. Così, nelle pause tra un pentolone di salsa e l'altro, ho affettuosamente imbottito piccoli peperoni per dedicarmi una cena ancora estiva.
Cucinare è il mio modo per consolarmi, c'è poco da fare: compensare le manchevolezze del presente, tenermi vicino le felicità del passato. Procurarmi un piacere immediatamente accessibile quando tutti gli altri non lo sono.
Πιπεριές γεμιστές με φέτα
Piperies gemistes me feta
Peperoni Feta stuffed
Piperies gemistes me feta
Peperoni Feta stuffed
- a dozen horn green peppers, small
- 200 grams of Feta
- parsley oregano
- 1 / 2 hot pepper, preferably freshly
- olive
- two slices of stale bread
cap Cut the pepper, and coat of fairy remove the seeds without damage.
Finely chop the parsley with the chili.
Crumble the cheese into a bowl, add two tablespoons of olive oil, chopped, a tablespoon of oregano and a little work '. Do not add salt, the feta is salty enough on its own.
Fill the peppers and close the mouth with a piece of stale bread (finezza!), so that the cheese does not escape during cooking. Sprinkle with a little oil and bake for half an hour at 200 degrees, turning once so that the skin roast on all sides.
are eaten at room temperature (and of course the next day, to rest, are even more good).
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