Sweating inside themselves
I have given this small book
nice and funny. There is absolutely no desire to cook the recipes totalitarian: I must say that Russian food described here is really the least attractive of the globe, and generates a deep depression papillary even imagine. But I really liked it spirit of the author. To you this helpful advice, topical:
"Uzbekistan, a multinational republic of twenty-five million inhabitants, of which most are young Uzbeks, with great rivers dry up constantly, huge deserts, mountains which cast little shade , and with a fifth season, called Cilla: forty days of summer when daytime temperatures reach unscrupulously up to fifty or sixty degrees. The secret is to survive in this heat, "sweat inside themselves." To do this, the people of place wearing thick coats of down and drink hot green tea. In this way the coats get wet and stay dry inside out. Thus Uzbeks take shelter from the heat too much. "
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