Thursday, July 30, 2009

How Much Does A Sew In Weave Cost

Catering surprise

Back from my mom a long retreat on a Greek island, and I would soften the landing in the city suffocated by heat and turbid evil. will want to cool things, reading, civilized, after all this time cooking and free-range pesantuccia.
preparation: experimental gazpacho, carpaccio rolls on salad, lentil salad with lemon.'ll buy a delicious ice cream by the way: I do not have the ice cream maker (and never will have, if not end badly.) prepare a beautiful table and disappear into the night, hoping to once again look like the good daughter who does not almost never. The experimental

gazpacho actually is called "Forty degrees in the shade," and is a recipe for Carlo. I do not know Charles personally, but I often plundered his recipe book, and I really like cooking. I also really liked this experiment. Fresh, velvety, unusual. Next time I'll try to use the white melon, which has a taste for me more interesting. The melon, which does not particularly like, in savory version instead I always like.

For two people:
  • 200 gr. pulp of a tomato ripe melon
  • large copper (from which to obtain 100 gr. of pulp)
  • chili powder salt
  • 20 gr. extra virgin olive oil a splash of Angostura
  • 1 / 2 avocado (100 gr. of pulp)
  • 1 / 2 lime 1 fresh onion
  • 1 rib of celery from the heart
Put the melon in the blender and chopped tomato pulp, add a pinch of salt and a dash of chili powder, 20 gr. extra virgin olive oil dropped a wire and a dash of Angostura. Whisk the mixture for a minute, so that the mountains a little and then keep it aside.
separately Blend the avocado with the onion and lime juice, add the tomato and melon mixture and mix again so that the two past not mix well. Season with salt and let stand in refrigerator for an hour. Serve the cream in small bowls flow, distributing to each a bit 'of celery cut into thin slices and two slices of avocado.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Brampton Jobs Hiring Student

Corona spelled summer

Cooking at this time, just do not like it. I make bread for me, and hake for the cat that goes crazy. For the remainder of sausage and some salad as a bird seed that I propose this because it is fresh, full and open the fridge and found as in like. Of course, first you need to prepare, but I do it in the morning and then I pretend like a miracle to find it at dinner. I'm delirious, I'm sorry.

little conversation with the cashier at the supermarket, who would have liked to Aldo Buzzi , but of course that would have made a masterpiece.
I put tape on a whole frozen hake.
- Well, in fact, the nose has the best value for money.
- Yes, frozen and then this is really convenient.
- If he does it with the sauce first, that of Mutti, is a tale
- Tomato sauce? Aaah, the concentrate, of course.
- Yes, yes, the one in the tube. Meanwhile

support two slices of tenderloin, special offer 40% but still thread

- But hake to tell the truth is for the cat.
- is a fairy tale look. Just like the restaurant.
  • 200 grams of farro
  • 100 grams of feta or quartirolo
  • a box of 180 grams of tuna in brine (slice)
  • half yellow pepper
  • half cucumber
  • two celery stalks white
  • two or three red tomatoes
  • a lemon
  • a dozen black olives, basil
  • salt, extra virgin
Cook the farro and when it's warm season with a little olive oil and lemon juice. Peel tomatoes, remove seeds and make a hollow fine (bits half a centimeter). Cut the other vegetables of the same size, same for the cheese. Stone and chop the olives. To say it is nothing, but it takes a good half an hour.
Add the tuna, basil, olive oil and season with salt, and mix with the farro.
Grease a mold about 20 cm in diameter, pressing the mixture well and place in refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.
not expect that the slices remain: When you serve will crumble and reveal the nature of his meager salad. But meanwhile it is nice to bring to the table.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New York New Years Eve Apple Falling

difficult love

I have a lot of recipe suitable for summer weather that I had put away at other times, but in this period I'm cooking at all and my rule here is that the public only what I put on the table, when I put it there. As a result, now I should publish the photo of a menhir of Parmigiano Reggiano, a cliff that led me from Modena, which is my main source of livelihood along with the bread that I do weekly. I do not think the case.

So will entertain you with my love life.

My love life could be passed subject of an exciting feuilleton in six hundred and fifteen thousand episodes, entitled "tough love", which takes you to sigh nailed here until the end of your days. But because I love the synthesis, summarized as follows: did not go well.
taken note of this unpleasant reality, and the woefully poor quality of the material found in the universe and its human male, at some point I gave up hope for an improvement and I have taken early retirement.
But in short, to be happy there must be a single flow, and I do not.
least one cat in which exchange of effusions and a chat at the table and before falling asleep, I really needed. In fact I was with Paloma the , which for 17 years has been my companion while engaged in the trial came and went - especially going, I would say - and her love was not easy in the beginning: it was a cat shy and introverted, it is slipped quickly under the bed and forced me to wait for months before deciding to get out and start our married life. With her, every step towards the conquest of love has been a patient, gentle and respectful courtship, strategic retreats, small concessions, hesitations, adjustments. But then, when we arrived, she became the queen of my life (lyrics move you).
When she died I waited a long time before he could accept the idea of \u200b\u200banother cat, but then I met Emma , which was wonderful. With her love was easy and passionate from the start: I loved him without too much playacting was not a sophisticated person, but he loved cuddle e farsi coccolare, dormiva felice e rilassata su ogni parte del mio corpo e aveva tutto quello che mi piace in un gatto. Sotto il Letto ci è andata solo per qualche pisolo estemporaneo. Infatti è durata solo pochi mesi, prima che Qualcuno decidesse che doveva morire di una malattia orrenda e lasciarmi sola (qua potete piangere).

Un mese fa, è piombata nella mia vita questa gattina , che finora ha avuto svariati nomi ma nessuno definitivo, dato che il suo vero nome dovrebbe essere Castigo, e non mi pare bello. È apparsa in una foto, ed era bella, ma talmente bella che anche se le circostanze lo sconsigliavano decisamente, me ne sono innamorata. Quando l'ho conosciuta fisicamente mi hanno messo in braccio questa felina piumosa e minuscola che si è ribaltata sulla schiena, ha fatto le fusa e in tre minuti si era addormentata. Dopo quella importante verifica non ho avuto esitazioni, e l'ho presa con me.
I guai sono iniziati subito. Ma insomma, è soltanto una gattina piccola che è stata appena separata dalla sua mamma, penso io, diamole il tempo di fidarsi. Seh. Fidarsi lei si fida, e non ha paura di niente. Semplicemente, non le piacciono un sacco di cose. Non le piaccio io, non le piace casa di mia mamma, non le piacciono le mie scarpe (infatti ci piscia sopra), non le piace la pappa, non le piace casa mia (infatti ci fa la cacca a scopo intimidatorio), non le piace essere accarezzata. Non le piace stare con me. Ovviamente ha preso possesso del territorio Under the bed, and from there claim to rule. If you want something, if it gets no thanks, protest or otherwise doing damage, but I never explains what he wants, and I guess you'll never guess. But it is fierce, is very sociable with people, it is peaceful, with all play and sleep in my bed. He has no problems with character, not a cat "difficult" is not frightened or aggressive. Only, there is something wrong in his life with me: I was not recognized as a relative, here. And this is making me very unhappy.
Where is the ball of which I fell in love? What have I done wrong to be treated like this? I tried to compare the level of dominance, and I lost. I tried with the sweetness, which is still my line of conduct, but she does not care. I tried the box, but I do not understand when I talk to, and still cares. I read all the treatises of feline behaviorism available and reasoned with friends and veterinarian, and I dug a spider hole, except that some cats are like that, period.
In the grip of a growing frustration, I spoke with the person who had given me, and I finally understood something fundamental, I was hushed: the kitten has grown in the garden with his mom and his brothers, in absence of humanity only as providers of jelly. This was the information that enlightened me: she simply does not just the life that is here. She is one who wants to walk around to see the world before returning to the gun at your sofa. It has nothing against humans, indeed: the need and take what they give, and is willing to moderate intimacy. It is not, and never will be, only a cat from the sofa.

I, you know, I have this belief that we are at the service of the cats, and nothing would make me happier than to serve her, but my spirit of sacrifice does not reach the emotional masochism. For what I have already given to humans, and I'm sick and pockets.
When I love, I have this strange, selfish need to be reciprocated. If not there I just can not be happy, and the service becomes un peso.
Quindi, poiché io tutto posso darle ma non un giardino e una vita avventurosa, questa gattina forse deve trovare un'altra casa, un'altra persona e un'altra vita che siano più adatti a lei. Ed io devo trovare un gatto che sia adatto a me, alla mia casa e alla mia vita.
Mi rifiuto di vivere da separata in casa in contemplazione di una gatta bellissima che non mi ama, per i prossimi vent'anni. Gli amori difficili non fanno più per me.

Ecco: qua potete anche indignarvi.